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Navara rice is one of the many types of rice found in India, and has its origin from Kerala which is said to be Kerala’s indigenous medicinal cereal plant. The rice finds mention in ancient Ayurvedic text like ‘Ashtanga Hridaya’ and ‘Susruta Samhita’ which refers to it as a ‘pious grain’ used on auspicious occasions.” Navara is known as ‘Shashtika rice’ as it takes a short span of 60 days to grow and mature. Navara can be consumed directly or can also be powdered and then mixed with milk and taken in the form of a cereal.

    • Oil: Used to treat age related problems such as osteoarthritis (cervical spondilytis), rheumatoid arthritis, back pains, paralysis, neurological and muscular disorders Increases weight in babies and also cures ulcers in abdomen
    • Used against skin diseases such as skin lesions and Psoriasis Used to treat against snake poison. Gruel made from the rice along with meat is used to gain body weight Nivara rice paste mixed with Coconut and sesame oil is used against polio Raw rice soaked in milk and roasted in cow milk is taken against Haemorrhoids Flakes of nivara Rice with asvagandha and sugar is used to stimulate sexual desire Root Decoction of Nivara given to children with urinary complaints.
eligious Value Navara also has religious significance and used in temples for ceremonies.
Height Navara reaches more than one meter in height.
Growing time  Navara matures in about 60-90 days
Season Second cropping season of Kerala – starts in September-October and extends upto December-January.
Colour The grains are golden yellow and the seed colour is red.
Place Chittur, Palakkad district Kerala.
Yield 200 -250 kgs per Acre


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